Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Liver Cleanse

 Are your allergies bothering you lately? Mine are- so it's time for another round of the Liver Cleanse at our house. This round, my 5 yr old is happily drinking the stuff straight like a big kid!

The Liver Cleanse is the reason I first became interested in essential oils. I was trying to help my then infant Julie boost her immune system, and I was also seeking relief from my seasonal allergies.

The more I read about it, the more I realize what a big job our liver has. If it's getting overloaded with toxins, the liver will have a hard time doing it's job right. So if any of these things ail you- try the liver cleanse!

allergies, cellulite, depression, drowsiness after eating, eczema, elevated cholesterol, fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, hypoglycemia, indigestion, jaundice , mood swings, nausea, obesity, PMS, rashes, weak muscles, or weight gain.

The Liver Cleanse

2 Tablespoons of lemon juice (1/2 a lemon)
1 drop of lemon essential oil
1 drop of peppermint essential oil
a little water to dilute

Drink it first thing in the morning before any other food or water. Do it for 2-4 weeks, take a week break, and then repeat until the symptoms subside. 
(Some people say 2 weeks and take a break, others say 4 weeks, so you can choose! I've done both and they both work) 

For kids: you can add a little honey or pure maple syrup to the cleanse to see if they'll drink it (This didn't really help my kids- the peppermint makes it "spicy" for them) Or you can rub the oils in the bottoms of their feet.

*This is not a quick fix remedy- it will take time to clean out that little liver:) But it really does work!

And I thought this was a simply genius idea brought to you by my friend Kelli. We recently juiced a lot of lemons, and I freeze the juice for future liver cleanses, cooking, and cleaning. We used breast milk storage bags to freeze the lemon juice. They are smaller and made to be frozen, and if you have had a child recently you probably have a ton of these left.

I'm putting an oil order in next Monday. If you want to order any oils, let me know! Lemon is $13 and Peppermint is $23

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