Monday, October 31, 2011

All about Kids Essential oils class- cancelled

I've got good news and bad news.

Bad News: Our essential oils class tomorrow night has been cancelled.
(Why? The instructor's daughter severed 2 fingers and is going in for surgery tomorrow. A real live Halloween tale. Boo.)

Good News: It will be rescheduled. I'll let you know when that happens.

Sorry guys- But I know you are going to want to hear from Sarah herself- so we'll do it when she can be there.
Hope you had a fun and safe Halloween!

Monday, October 24, 2011

All about kids- essential oils class

'Tis the season of colds, flu, sniffles, boogers, and the like. I have been using essential oils for the last 2 years, and I love them! They are my first line of defense to help my kids stay healthy and to combat different health issues that arise.

My friend, Katie, and I are hosting a kids class all about essential oils. It is being taught by Sarah Brooks, who has her degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. She also has plenty of field experience with her own 5 children. Come join us as we learn how to help our kids stay healthy using essential oils! (FYI- winter does not have to equal perma snot and coughs in kids. Really!- there are things you can do to combat this!)

All about Kids
Essential Oil Class

Tuesday, November 1st
7:30 PM

Katie's Home
Guadalupe and 101 area in Mesa, AZ.

(leave a comment with your contact info and I'll send you the address. Comments are moderated and I won't publish your info.)

Feel free to come and bring a friend! If you could let me know that you're planning on coming, that would be great! (So we can have some idea of how many to expect.)

And let me know if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My current stance on Essential oils

I really like essential oils. I think they have their place in the health and healing process. I also like herbs and herbal remedies. I also like the doctor. To some I may sound like I'm contradicting myself- but I feel like all of these things are important and have their place.

For example: Someone in my house has a runny nose, the inkling of a sore throat, or an ear ache. What do I do? Not run to the doctor. It's not necessary.

But I can use essential oils to help stop the cold from progressing and/or bring relief- and hopefully make it so we don't have to take a trip to the doctor later down the road.

I know some people are very passionate about essential oils. And rightly so- they work great! I feel like they are my first line of defense as the head nurse in my home. But for me- if the time arises that our front line has been breached and enforcements are needed, I'm okay with the doctor too. (I might have just killed an essential oil fairy somewhere:)

Where can you get essential oils? That depends. If you are buying essential oils for medicinal purposes and plan on putting them on your skin or ingesting them- you want to use a very high quality, pure oil. And the only way to get those is to order them or buy them from someone. (My big beef with quality essential oils- by the way.)
They do sell essential oils at Sprouts or other health food stores- but these are a lower grade. (You get what you pay for...)

I just signed on as an Independent Product Consultant with Doterra Essential oils. So if you want to order any, let me know! (FYI- I'm not doing this to make money. I was ordering them for myself and it made more sense for me right now to go this route. I've used other high end essential oils in the past (Forevergreen and Be Young)- and I think they work great too. I feel like Doterra has the best value and was the best fit for me right now.)

Essential oils are a huge topic- much more involved than this measly post. If you have questions- let me know.